Thursday 29 November 2012

PAGE NINE: Final Solution


PAGE EIGHT: Finish and Quality

The storage box will be polished in order to give it a shiny finish. This finish will make the storage box look of a high quality; if I was not to polish the storage box then the quality of the storage box would appear poor and customers would not buy the storage box. As the questionnaire showed that the target market would spend £20-25 on the storage box they would not, therefore spend this amount on a low quality storage box.


I will store jewellery in my storage box.  The dimensions include -

 (All been measured when compact)

Width (mm)
thickness (mm)
Width (mm)
thickness (mm)


Therefore the material dimensions are:  (All sheet Brass)

120 x 170mm

80 x 80mm

30 x 40 mm

120 x 410mm

130 x 130mm

PAGE SIX: Construction and Making

PRODUCTION PLAN:  I will be using sheet metal, tin snips, rivets, soldering, and a scroll saw.

1 .I will first make a cylinder 12cm tall and with a diameter of 13cm.  Before the cylinder is made a rectangle will be cut out of the (then) rectangle; measuring 6cm by 5cm.  Both the rectangles will be cut out by using the scroll saw and the fully cut rectangle will then be soldered into a cylindrical shape.   The cylinder will only have one bottom and will also be vertically divided into two (see above for birds eye view)

2.  There will be a raised platform 7cm up from the bottom of the cylinder, on only one half of the cylinder.

3. The feet; measuring;         12cm by 17cm

                              3cm by 4 cm

                              6cm by 9cm                          (all triangles)

                              8cm by 8 cm

                              6cm by 7cm

Will be attached by solder – they will be inserted into a slit created by using the scroll saw and then soldered on the inside.  The intricate wave design will be cut out by tin snips, before they are inserted.

4.  The plastic fish will be created using CAD and then cut using the laser cutter.  The will be measure from head to tail on average 3cm.

5. They will be attached to the metal using contact adhesive.

6. The hidden compartment will have a door measuring 6cm by 5cm.  It will be attached by a hinge which is both soldered and riveted into place.



I will use

·       Soldering: (soft solder) I will use soldering as it is a permanent join and the storage box will need to withstand ‘wear and tear’.  Soft soldering is a method of joining metal parts together using a lead based alloy.  (in full scale production the brass could be brazed)

·       Rivets: I will use rivets (as well as soldering) to attach the compartment door as rivets are a more permanent method of joining than nuts and bolts. They are also cheaper and will not come undone.



I will use

·       Scroll saw: I will use a scroll saw as it is the most appropriate piece of machinery to cut sheet metal in a straight line (although in full scale production a guillotine could be used as it is quicker, cheaper and produces a straighter line)

·       Tin snips: I will use tin snips as this will be the most effective way to cut the intricate design of the feet of the storage box.

PAGE FIVE: Materials and Components

I will use sheet brass and plastic to make my storage box. However there are many other materials that I could use. Here is a table showing the advantages and disadvantages for both brass and silver, this table will show why I came to the decision of using sheet brass over silver.

Scroll saw
Tin snips
File- cross cut
Coping saw
To fragile (would bend/ break)
As silver is an expensive material, soldering would make the silver look cheap.
No, you would use a junior hack saw. 
Sheet Brass
No, you would use a junior hack saw. 



I will use rivets and soldering to join the storage box together as these processes are the most effective way of joining the storage box together. I have chosen rivets instead of nuts and bolts as rivets are a more permanent method of joinery; this also applies to soldering.


Too expensive (see consumer).
Not expensive (see consumer).
A silver, shiny metal.
Discoloured, bronze metal.
The consumer would not be able to afford a silver box as the cost of the storage box should be around £20-25.
Is more affordable for the £20-25 price bracket.
It looks expensive, and it has a good quality.
It doesn’t look as expensive as silver neither does it have such a high quality.


PAGE FOUR: Form, Function and Style

The storage box will be cylindrical with triangular feet. Due to the wave design, the theme of the storage box is nature.

The function of the storage box is to store jewellery effectively; the dimensions of which are-

·       Rings:  

Biggest- (l x w) 40mm x 30mm

Smallest- (l x w) 25mm x 20mm

·       Bracelets

Biggest- (l x h x w) 60mm x 60mm x 62mm

Smallest- ((compact) l x w) 30mm x 10mm

·       Necklaces

Biggest- 100mm x 100mm

Smallest- 20mm x 20mm